
Backblaze針對2016年的硬碟損耗狀況進行分析,這次因為剛好是跨年,所以包括了2016Q4與2016全年度的資料:「BackblazeHardDriveStatsfor2016」 ...,Backblaze2016YearinReview;20billionfilesrestored;30%moreharddrives.We'llfinishoutthisyearwithover72,000harddrivesspinning ...,BackblazeHardDriveReliabilityforQ22016·Themodelsthathaveanannualizedfailurerateof0.00%hadzeroharddrivefailuresinQ22016.,ForQ12016wea...

Backblaze 對2016 硬碟損耗狀況的分析 - Gea

Backblaze 針對2016 年的硬碟損耗狀況進行分析,這次因為剛好是跨年,所以包括了2016Q4 與2016 全年度的資料:「Backblaze Hard Drive Stats for 2016」 ...

Backblaze 2016 Year in Review

Backblaze 2016 Year in Review ; 20 billion files restored ; 30% more hard drives. We'll finish out this year with over 72,000 hard drives spinning ...

Hard Drive Stats for Q2 2016

Backblaze Hard Drive Reliability for Q2 2016 · The models that have an annualized failure rate of 0.00% had zero hard drive failures in Q2 2016.

One Billion Drive Hours and Counting

For Q1 2016 we are reporting on 61,590 operational hard drives used to store encrypted customer data in our data center. There are 9.5% more ...

2016 Hard Drive Reliabilty Benchmark Stats

The overall hard drive failure rate for 2016 was 1.95%. That's down from 2.47% in 2015 and well below the 6.39% failure rate for 2014.

2016 Hard Drive Failure Rates for 2TB - 8TB Drives

The average age of the Seagate 8TB hard drives is just three months, but their 1.6% failure rate during the first few months bodes well for a continued low ...

2016 年第二季HDD 硬碟大評比,冠軍是誰呢?

由於測試的硬碟實在是太多了,因此這張圖表僅列出有配備45個驅動器以上的機型,從圖表中可以發現,年故障率為0.00%的硬碟各來自HGST 的8TB 硬碟以及Toshiba ...

Backblaze's 2016 HDD Failure Stats Revealed

A total of 1,225 drives failed in 2016, which means the drive failure rate for 2016 was just 1.95 percent, a improving over the 2.47 percent ...

Backblaze Hard Drive Report for Q1 2016

SMART Utility and Sequoia Compatibility. So far under testing SMART Utility is fully compatible with Intel Macs running MacOS 15 Sequoia.